



Hi there, I'm not getting intellisense for asp tags anymore in websites or web applications. There is a check mark for the following:

  • Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#->General->Auto list members

    Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#->General->Parameter information

    Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#->Intellisense->Show completion list after a character is typed

My dev environment is server 2008 R2 64 bit, VS 2010 Ultimate (ver 10.1.30319.1 RTMRel), I don't have resharper installed, but I do have AnkhSVN installed.

How do I get intellisense back?

UPDATE: Here is my webconfig:

    <add name="MerchandiseEntitiesContainer" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Merchandise.Entities.csdl|res://*/Merchandise.Entities.ssdl|res://*/Merchandise.Entities.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=OldOslernet;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
        <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
      <httpRuntime executionTimeout="1800"
              useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="false" />
    <add key="upLoadPath" value="images/products/"/>

Also, here is a pic of the editor:

  • Check file extension - editor bindings in preferences.
  • Check the system.web\pages\controls config section in your web configuration file.
  • Check the system.web\compilation\assemblies section too.
There is nothing listed under Microsoft C# in the extension editor
The project is a .net 4.0 project, so there isn't anything under those sections by default. Should there be?
If your project is built with .NET 4, no. But give it a try to add those lines to your config file from a .NET 2/3 project.
I'll give it a shot, I'll update ASAP
Sorry for the delay. No go on that one
+2  A: 

Delete Schema Files

Delete all files in the following folder: C:\Users[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ReflectedSchemas. It is safe to delete anything in this folder as Visual Studio will regenerate them as needed.

Unblock Referenced Assemblies

There could be a problem with one of the referenced assemblies in your project being blocked on your machine. Right-click on each DLL in Windows Explorer, select Properties, and click the "Unblock" button (if the DLL is being blocked.)

Reset Visual Studio Settings

If all else fails, you can try to reset your settings in Visual Studio 2010 (MSDN Link.) You'll have to tweak your settings all over again but it is worth trying.

Blocked dll was it. You, sir, rock. Fiercely!
Thanks, you saved me from blowing away a dev environment.Worth every point. Cheers!
I'm trying to award the bounty, but after I click it, it says that I have 12 hours to award the bounty and the button doesn't change.Please let me know if you have not received the bounty.Thanks again!
Glad you got it sorted out. It's a good general trick to remember if you run into similar issues with other files. Copying files from machine to machine may result in files being blocked by Windows.
It should be possible to award the bounty now. There is a 24 delay after a bounty is created that prevents awarding.
I clicked it again and it's same deal.
Good news is that it will award it to you automatically in less than 24 hours. Thanks for your help!