



Hi Friends, I'm developing an web application with mvc 2, and I'm using NHibernate (session per request) and Unity (for dependency injection).

In my Global.asax I'm managing my ISession something like this:

public override void Init()

    BeginRequest += OpenNHibernateSession;
    EndRequest += DisposeNHibernateSession;

private static void OpenNHibernateSession(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ManagedWebSessionContext.Bind(HttpContext.Current, _sessionFactory.OpenSession());

private static void DisposeNHibernateSession(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var session = ManagedWebSessionContext.Unbind(HttpContext.Current, _sessionFactory);

    if (session != null)

Nice, and In my Repositories (in constructor) I pass the SessionFacotry (static in global.asax) e get ISession by SessionFacotry.GetCurrentSession(). My repositories I inject in the contrcutor's controllers! Great...

But, in my mvc application I have a value in cache and a CacheRemovedItem delegate with this Cache. In this method (in delegate), I need to persist some informations in my reopsitories, but I don't have a request when the cache expires. I'd like to know how could I RESOLVE my dependencies in this method (CacheItemRemoved delegate) in right way ? Or How could I setup an ISession to get via GetCurrentSession() in SessionFactory ?

PS: Sorry for my English!