I have the following code for executing a sql stored procedure that returns multiple resultsets, then reads this result from stream. For background info: it returns xml blocks as strings and then transforms it into complete xml. It has worked well over a year but now i have a case that results in error message: Operation cancelled. Debugger shows: Project x raised exception class EOleException with message Operation cancelled. I have no idea whats causing it. Any help or suggestions would be great.
adExecuteStream = $00000400; //Indicates that the results of a command execution should be returned as a stream.
objCmd, InputStream, XML, XSLT, Template, Processor, objConn, strmResults : Variant;
ATStreamClass : TMemoryStream;
Adapt : TStreamAdapter;
OutputStream: IStream;
objCmd := CreateOLEObject('ADODB.Command');
objCmd.ActiveConnection := dmABaasMock.dbRaAndm.ConnectionObject;
objCmd.CommandType := adCmdText;
objCmd.CommandText := <sp proc name with params>;
strmResults := CreateOLEObject('ADODB.Stream');
objCmd.Properties['Output Stream'] := strmResults;
objCmd.Execute(EmptyParam, EmptyParam, adExecuteStream); // HERE COMES THE EXCEPTION
strmResults.Position := 0;
xmlMemo.text := strmResults.ReadText;