



Using VS 2008 SP1 with the GDR update and all updates. I created several Setup projects and each one makes a nice MSI. I can run all 6 and get my software installed (all different parts of a very large system).

I made a C# app to look for everything in the Registry at


So I could hopefully find each app and run its uninstallation without need for GUI intervention.

string uninstallKey =
using ( RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( uninstallKey ) )
var query = from allRange in regKey.GetSubKeyNames()
let rKey = regKey.OpenSubKey( allRange )
select new
   // etc

But none of the apps are listed. I can see Microsoft apps, Cisco apps, Symantec apps, etc. But not the stuff I made.

How can I get this to work? I am querying the Registry because using System.Management on Server 2003 to get an apps list does not work and the server admins are not going to install new software on the production servers.

Thanks for any clues!