



Im trying to devlop a jquery menu plugin, based on UL and LI tags.

this is the really basic plugin:

$.fn.extend( {
    verticalfade: function(options){

        var defaults = {
            speed: 'normal'
        var options = $.extend(defaults, options);

        return this.each(function(){
            $(this).css('cursor', 'pointer');

now i would link to understand how to define a click function for the li element, and how to use .addClass(), .removeClass() and .mouseover() over the li elements, specially how to add a class to the LI i am over and at the same time remove the class from all the other li.

this is the simple html head

<script src="javascript/jquery.verticalfade.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="verticalfade.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// jquery initialize:
    $(function() {

and this the body

<ul id="verticalfade">

while the css


i qould link al the li to receive the .outText class while the overmouse li only the .inText

Thank you!

+1  A: 

This is a simple demonstration, but you should get the point.

$('li').live('mouseover', function() {
    var t = this;
    $('li').each(function() {
        if (this != t) $(this).removeClass('bold');
        else $(this).addClass('bold');

In Action:


Given your update you'll probably want something more like

$('ul#verticalfade li').live('mouseover', function() {
    var t = this;
    $('ul#verticalfade li').each(function() {
        if (this != t) $(this).removeClass('inText');
        else $(this).addClass('inText');
}).live('mouseout',function(){ $(this).removeClass('inText'); });​

In Action:

yes this is helping, what is live()? how can i define a function when click over the li?
Just out of curiosity, why are you using .live()?
@TrustWeb live() is like bind(), expect it's for all current and future elements. The `'mouseover'` section can be changed to whatever event you want to call the function (click, for example, if you want). @Marko Ivanovski: It's just a habit as I usually am dealing with dynamic things. It's interchangeable with bind() if you're not doing anything dynamically.
@Robert a question about this. How to define an action (as addClass or hide) for a specific li and the sub ul of this specific li?