




I've a <div> with a background-image that will change the background 4 times with a delay of 300ms. I've tried with setTimeout which seems to work correct, but clearTimeout(t); when the mouse moves out fails because the backgrounds continue changing.

$(document).ready(function() {
        var obj = $('.image');
        $(this).css("background-position", "0 -90");
        var t=setTimeout(function(){obj.css("background-position", "0 -180")}, 300);
        var t=setTimeout(function(){obj.css("background-position", "0 -270")}, 600);
        var t=setTimeout(function(){obj.css("background-position", "0 -360")}, 900);
    }, function() {
        $(this).css("background-position", "0 0");

I would like too to insert to the hover function a way to have a infinite loop until the mouse is released.

Sorry for my school English.

Thanks in advance!

+3  A: 

move the t var dec outside of the function. then it will be in the closure.

eg something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var t1,t2,t3;

        var obj = $('.image');
        $(this).css("background-position", "0 -90");
        var t1=setTimeout(function(){obj.css("background-position", "0 -180")}, 300);
        var t2=setTimeout(function(){obj.css("background-position", "0 -270")}, 600);
        var t3=setTimeout(function(){obj.css("background-position", "0 -360")}, 900);
    }, function() {
        $(this).css("background-position", "0 0");

There are other issues with this code but I'm just answering the question.

@Hogan: thank for your reply! But I can't get it working... don't understand why but I think that it's not the way to go from the start (my fail)... how can I orientate it to a good way? thanks in advance!
Isern Palaus
Did you use the code above? In what ways is it not working? If you put the problem code in jsfiddle, then helping you would be simpler.
I've never used jsfiddle, but i tihnk that this is right: http://jsfiddle.net/NhpVW/3/
Isern Palaus
+1  A: 

Because with this the variable t is overwritten twice by the two previous setTimeouts, so only the code for the last setTimeout is preserved, so when you call clearTimeout you're only clearing the last setTimeout.

What you can do is to use three different variables to store this, change to setInterval instead, or use a loop to set the timeouts.

Yi Jiang
@Yi Jiang: Thanks! And how can I make a infinite loop until is released?
Isern Palaus

Have you tried jquery's animate? Would probably simplify things a lot -- they'll deal with all the timers and stuff for you. It's baked into the library you're already using so why not take advantage of it?

        {backgroundPosition:"(0 -360px)"}, 
        {backgroundPosition:"(0 0)"}, 

By default it's going to use a liniar animation, but you could set up different easing if you wanted something different.

I can't use animation, i think, becasue the background image is 5 frames from a video. :(
Isern Palaus