I have the following problem. If I query values with a keyfigure which is a function I can't specify multiple values of the same dimension restriction, but if it is not a function it works.
So this works:
SELECT {[Measures].[Netto]} on columns FROM TDC where
But this doesn't:
SELECT {[Measures].[CalculatedFunction]} on columns FROM TDC where
And this also works:
SELECT {[Measures].[CalculatedFunction]} on columns FROM TDC where
I guess the solution is something like adding the where clause to the header but I really like this solution because it's so simple.
The Calucated function is:
AS (iif ((not [Time].[Year - Month - Date].currentmember is [Time].[Year - Month - Date].defaultmember),
IIF(NOT ([Measures].[LagerStk] = 0),
Sum([Time].[Year - Month - Date].[Date].members(0):
ClosingPeriod([Time].[Year - Month - Date].[Date]),
[Measures].[LagerStk]), NULL)
IIF(NOT ([Measures].[LagerStk] = 0),
Sum([Time].[Year - Week - Date].[Date].members(0):
ClosingPeriod([Time].[Year - Week - Date].[Date]),
[Measures].[LagerStk]), NULL))),
The code is inspired from this and modified for two hierarchies in the time dimension: http://www.sqlserveranalysisservices.com/OLAPPapers/InventoryManagement%20in%20AS2005v2.htm
This is on SQL server 2005 Enterprise edition.