this is the desired result in need to populate as a report. where xx is no of people.
i have a table which has fields like :
year(as Quarter)
so i need to determine the count from id and populate as a report. the year is like 20081,20082..20084(in quarter).
i have created a dataset using this query
from this query i could populate the result
ex: ca, m , 20081,3
ny, f , 20091,4
from the above query i could populate the count and using group by(row) state(in ssrs) .
I am new to ssrs, i need your direction how should i go about.
now i need to group by (column) from the gender i get and by year.
- how do i take the column gender and make it has Male and Female column
do i need to create multiple dataset like passing
where gender = 'M' or gender = 'F'
so that i could have 2 dataset one for Male and One for Female. else is there anyway i could group from the Gender field just like pivot.
should i populate result separately like creating mulitple dataset for Male 2008,Female 2009 or is there any way i could group by with the single dataset using SSRS Matrix table and column grouping.
Should i resolve it at my Query level or is there any Features in SSRS which could solve this problem.
any help would be appreciated. i believe everybody understood my question.