I have a class School and another class Teachers. now every school can contain m Teachers and one Teacher may be part of more than one school. But in the Teachers class I dont want a property that tells me which Schools a teacher is part of.
public class School
public virtual int Id {get;set;}
public virtual string Name {get;set;}
public virtual IList<Teacher> Teachers {get;set;}
public School()
Teachers=new List();
And the mapping for the same is
public class SchoolMap:ClassMap<School>
public SchoolMap()
and Teacher is defined as
public class Teacher
public virtual int Id {get;set;}
public virtual int Name {get;set;}
and the expected simple mapping is defined.
Now I wish to join these tables right so that when I create a School object and then add Teachers to it and save it I want it to be stored in a mapping table the columns of which should be the following SchoolId,TeacherId.
Now how do i use this table in my mapping so that when I save the School object my teachers are also stored in the db and on retrieving the School object I retrieve the Teachers too.
Any answer would be appreciated.