I use Bold for Delphi with D2007. The model is rather big and now I discover we have many methods in the model that are not called. The compiler should give a hint about it but it is quiet.
In Delphi the linker remove methods that do not have any reference. It then give a hint on that when compiling. I try to explain how Bold use methods in the model.
One unit BusinessClasses.pas includes hundreds of files like this:
{$INCLUDE BusinessClasses_Interface.inc}
{$INCLUDE Quantity.inc}
{$INCLUDE Parcel.inc}
// and so on...
The file BusinessClasses_Interface.inc contains this:
TParcel = class(TOrderItem)
procedure WayBillAsXML(var aXMLstring: string);
Then parcel.inc have the actual method implementation:
procedure TParcel.WayBillAsXML(var aXMLstring: String);
I think if I don't call WayBillAsXML then I should get a hint from the compiler but it is quiet about that. Ideally I want a list of all code that is not referenced. Is there a way ?