Is there anything I can add to pom.xml that will copy the generated war file from the target directory to my webapps directory?
Youn can use and configure it accordingly.
You could also have a look at the jetty plugin. Just type "mvn jetty:run-war" and jetty should run your war-file.
Edit: Jetty is a light weight servlet container suitable for development and testing. It's also lightning fast to start.
Not ideal, but if you have a really strange app server setup, you could always use an antrun task set to execute when the packaging is run
<!-- Ant copy tasks go here -->
Alternatively, you could have tomcat look in your target directory and deploy directly from there.
In your context.xml or server.xml's Context element:
<Context path="" docBase="/path/to/target/exploded">
Then you can use the war:exploded goal to create your exploded war.
I used the Maven WAR Plugin: