



I'm trying to align the height of a sidebar div by the height of another div, accessed (show/hide) by clicking on a link. The solution I've implemented so far is to attach a function to each click, and set $('').height(height) for the sidebar div. 'Course, it doesn't work in IE7, although it's great in IE8 and firefox.

JS code:

     function BindResizeSideBar() {
        $('div#containerFloat div#tabs-box a').each ( function() {
            var targetId = this.getAttribute('href');
            if($('div#' + targetId).length == 0) return;
            $(this).bind('click', function() {
                var height = $('div#' + targetId).height() + 90;
                alert(targetId + ', ' + height);
                $('div#divSavedSearchesSideBar div.leftSide').height(height);
        // init: click on tabProfile;
        $('div#containerFloat div#tabs-box a[href=#tabProfile]').click();

HTML structure:

    <div#sidebar style="float: left; width: 15%;">

do you call that function? And did it work in other browsers? Try this:

 function BindResizeSideBar() {
    $("div#containerFloat div#tabs-box a").each (function() {
        var targetId = $(this).attr("href"); // starts with #
        if($("div" + targetId).length == 0) return;
        $(this).bind("click", function() {
          var height = $("div" + targetId).height() + 90;
          alert(targetId + ', ' + height);
          $("div#divSavedSearchesSideBar div.leftSide").height(height);
    // init: click on tabProfile;
    $('div#containerFloat div#tabs-box a[href=#tabProfile]').click();

In your HTML code, an id is given by an id attribute, not by a #:

<div id="xxxxxx" ...></div>
It functions in IE8 and FF, only IE7 keeps acting crazy.
The 'html' I posted was shorthand, to give an idea of how the page is structured. So "<div#content-side.searchProspects>" was the short version for "<div id='content-side' class='searchProspects'>"
oooh... But you should try the code anyway, because the "href" attribute starts with a #, so you don't need to search for "#"+"#href"
Good catch on 'div#' + '#id'; it actually worked, bizarrely enough, but I replaced it anyhow. For targetId, I used this.href; it gives the full address, but at least it behaves consistently.

If I'm not wrong what might be happening is that IE redirects your page to the specified href and in process cancelling any events you're trying to fire on the a tag.

Sidharth Panwar
+1  A: 

Two more alert instructions later, and the problem was found. In IE7, this.getAttribute('href') returns the full address (http:// .... #tabIdentifier), while in other browsers (IE8 included) it returned the actual string in href, namely "#tabIdentifier".

Problem solved by adding a little string processing:

 targetId = targetId.substring(targetId.lastIndexOf('#'));
very good idea! :-)