



Delphi 7 on Windows 7

I want to scroll down a list (TElTree) using the mouse wheel... so I start writing some code in the ElTree's OnMouseWheelDown event. Then I notice that it's scrolling 2 rows at once. The mouse wheel settings in Control Panel are set to scroll only 1 line at a time. If I place a breakpoint inside the event handler, I discover that the event handler is itself being executed twice in quick succession.... Why? How to ensure it only executes once (code please)?

+2  A: 

When the wheel scrolls, the OS sends WM_MOUSEWHEEL messages. The high-order word of the wParam parameter indicates how far the wheel has turned. If it has turned one "click," then its value will be 120, or WHEEL_DELTA. But it might be less than that if your scroll wheel recognizes scrolling less than a click's worth.

Correct WM_MOUSEWHEEL message handlers need to consider that parameter and either keep a "scrolling accumulator" to keep track of how far the wheel has scrolled or else have the ability to scroll less than a full line. Message handlers that assume that each message signifies a full click of the wheel will be sorry.

Rob Kennedy
Thanks for the insight. I'll delve deeper.