So imagine you have multiple tables in your database each with it's own structure and each with a PRIMARY KEY of it's own.
Now you want to have a Favorites table so that users can add items as favorites. Since there are multiple tables the first thing that comes in mind is to create one Favorites table per table:
Say you have a table called Posts with PRIMARY KEY (post_id) and you create a Post_Favorites with PRIMARY KEY (user_id, post_id)
This would probably be the simplest solution, but could it be possible to have one Favorites table joining across multiple tables?
I've though of the following as a possible solution:
Create a new table called Master with primary key (master_id). Add triggers on all tables in your database on insert, to generate a new master_id and write it along the row in your table. Also let's consider that we also write in the Master table, where the master_id has been used (on which table)
Now you can have one Favorites table with PRIMARY KEY (user_id, master_id)
You can select the Favorites table and join with each individual table on the master_id and get the the favorites per table. But would it be possible to get all the favorites with one query (maybe not a query, but a stored procedure?)
Do you think that this is a stupid approach? Since you will perform one query per table what are you gaining by having a single table?
What are your thoughts on the matter?