A month ago I tried to use F# agents to process and record Twitter StreamingAPI Data here. As a little exercise I am trying to transfer the code to Windows Azure.
So far I have two roles:
One worker role (Publisher) that puts messages (a message being the json of a tweet) to a queue.
One worker role (Processor) that reads messages from the queue, decodes the json and dumps the data into a cloud table.
Which leads to lots of questions:
- Is it okay to think of a worker role as an agent ?
- In practice the message can be larger than 8 KB so I am going to need to use a blob storage and pass as message the reference to the blob (or is there another way?), will that impact performance ?
- Is it correct to say that if needed I can increase the number of instances of the Processor worker role, and the queue will magically be processed faster ?
Sorry for pounding all these questions, hope you don't mind,
Thanks a lot!