When we keep JS and CSS files for IE only with tags, do other browsers read it. I understand they ignore it but do they download all the files and then ignore it or vice versa. My reason for asking is page performance.
The files are ignored by other browsers.
Note how
<!--[if IE]>
You are using IE (IE5+ and above).
starts and ends within <!-- normal html comments -->
. They are treated special by IE, but other browsers just see a comment.
2010-09-13 11:44:17
If you're talking about conditional comments, then only IE can parse these so only IE will even comprehend that there is a resource to be downloaded.
2010-09-13 11:45:36
If your conditions surround the IE specific resources, they shouldn't be requested. You can use a tool such as Fiddler or HttpFox (for Firefox) to confirm.
Danny Thomas
2010-09-13 11:46:06
Thanks. It's very helpful. I used 'Net' tab in Firebub to see exactly what loads when a page is requested.
2010-09-15 13:01:06
Other browsers just see the comment markers and skip over them. IE is the only browser to which they have any special meaning.
2010-09-13 11:47:12