



Hello all, I am developing a program that needs to have calendar like triggered actions, this means that I would like to schedule my program to execute a sertain action for sertain days and hours in the month. As part of a research I have been suggested to use Quartz wich is really awsoume. I currently have a cron trigger that calls a job that does some logic, the cron job is scheduled using this cron expression:"0 50 16-17 ? * MON-FRI" wich means that this trigger is goinf to be fired from monday to friday and from 16:50 to 17:50 (twice a day at those hours).

As I mentioned the job does some logic and I would like to now when the trigger starts and when it stops, so I have declared a trigger listener and overriden the methos drigerFired and triggerComplete but I don't get notified when the trigger is done (e.g. shouldn't I be notified on 17:50 every monday to friday?) but only when it starts.

so my question is what kind of listener should I use? and why the current listener's triggerCompleted method is never called? thanks in advanced maxsap