



I've been trying to reboot (WinXP) all evening, and Emacs (Win32, v23.something, not important) isn't starting... sometimes... it's locked on mount.exe (loads up some cygin things during launch), I finally notice. Can't kill mount.exe via ProcessExplorer, either. Killing Emacs kills emacs, and leaves the child process still hanging around, unable to be task-killed.

Running mount.exe manually in a shell gives the same behavior -- the app is just locked up, no CPU activity, but can't kill it.

After several reboots, I realize that my Android Incredible is plugged in for charging, [the connection is ALSO set to USB debugging].

I unplug the phone... and every instance mount.exe suddenly exits (completes what it was doing, I presume).

The behavior can be replicated by having the phone connected and USB debugging enabled OR disabled, and launching mount.exe in a standard shell. It goes through a couple of drives, then "hangs"

When USB debugging is toggled, mount.exe will finish (I'm presuming it's a standard exit, as no error messages are thrown).

To change the status of USB Debugging: Home >> Menu >> Setting >> Applications >> Development >> [(un)check "USB Debugging"]

Any pointers? Since this occurs on my PC w/ tools related to development, I cross-posted it here; Originally posted at Gadgets.SE.. so... I can see this question getting bounced from every StackExchange forum on some technicality....