A standard enumeration in System.Windows.Forms
public enum DragDropEffects
Scroll = -2147483648,
// Summary:
// The combination of the System.Windows.DragDropEffects.Copy, System.Windows.Forms.DragDropEffects.Link,
// System.Windows.Forms.DragDropEffects.Move, and System.Windows.Forms.DragDropEffects.Scroll
// effects.
All = -2147483645,
None = 0,
Copy = 1,
Move = 2,
Link = 4,
Quite a strange value for Scroll, don't you think?
As I understand these values all come from "the old times" of COM\OLE DROPEFFECT... But why were they chosen so in the first place? Did author try to reserve the interval between 8 and 0x80000000 for something? Is it usefule somehow or is there an interesting story behind it or it's just another long-lived illustration of the YAGNI principle?