



I have a SQL Server 2008 database with an Access front-end. My problem is that Access does not recognise SQL Server's dates as they are in a different format.

SQL Server-s format is YYYY-MM-DD
Access' format is DD-MM-YYYY

When the date is displayed in a text-box, it is displayed as a string (without the little calendar icon next to it).
Is there anyway I can configure my Access front-end so that it recognises SQL Server's dates?


+1  A: 

If you are storing the dates in SQL server as the data type “Date” or “Date2” try changing them to “DateTime” I had this problem linking data from SQL server 2008R2 to access 97, access did not see it as a date and treated it like text

Kevin Ross
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Another thing that isn't involved here is if you upsize Access data to SQL Server using SQL Server Migration Assistant, any date column with values that are invalid in SQL Server will be created in SQL Server as text (!!!). SSMA allows you to run a report before the upsizing, so it will flag the tables that have invalid dates (though it won't tell you which fields). I'm just throwing this in for completeness because I encountered it just in the last 10 days.