I'm wondering if there's a freeware and/or open source alternative to ReSharper on the market.
CodeRush Xpress for C# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vcsharp/dd218053.aspx
2008-12-16 00:53:48
Code Rush, you can find a LOT of thread in StackOverFlow about tool for Visual Studio. Here is some that compare Resharper with CodeRush that might interest you since you know Resharper :
2008-12-16 01:16:23
Besides CodeRush Xpress DevExpress also supply free Refactor! for VB, Refactor! for ASP.NET and Refactor! for C++.
Kevin McFarlane
2009-02-28 11:32:33
I'm not sure these are technically available any more. Certainly their functionality is rolled up into CodeRush Xpress. so unless you need a legacy version (for VS2003 for example) I think CodeRush Xpress is the way to go.
Rory Becker
2010-03-10 10:56:46