



the correct format for my keyvalue pairs is

            "key1": "value1",
            "key2": "value2" 

But I cannot get this out of my object using the DataContractJsonSerializer, does anyone know how.

[DataContract] class Product {

     public Dictionary<string, string> KeyValues
             Dictionary<string, string> d  = new Dictionary<string, string>();
             d.Add("key1", "value1");
             d.Add("key2", "value2");
             return d;
     public List<object> KeyValuesList
             List<object> l = new List<object>();
             l.Add("key1" + ":" + "value1");
             l.Add("key2" + ":" + "value2");
             return l;

I've used a Dictionary but it returns


If I try to use a List and then combine the keys and values myself I can't seem to get around the requirement for double quotes


This requires douvble quotes around both the key and value like so


which I've also tried todo and failed, like so

         public List<object> KeyValuesList
                 List<object> l = new List<object>();
                 l.Add("key1" + "\":\"" + "value1");
                 l.Add("key2" + "\":\"" + "value2");
                 return l;

results in additional unwanted \"


and this is still not correct as it's an array which I do not want.

I've also tried the JavaScriptSerializer which comes closer to the mark but then has issues with more complex objects!

here's the object I'm playing with [DataContract] class Product {

     public Dictionary<string, string> KeyValues
             Dictionary<string, string> d  = new Dictionary<string, string>();
             d.Add("key1", "value1");
             d.Add("key2", "value2");
             return d;
     public List<object> KeyValuesList
             List<object> l = new List<object>();
             l.Add("key1" + ":" + "value1");
             l.Add("key2" + ":" + "value2");
             return l;