Here is my code to tag a page with a tag and title. Later on in the code, I loop through and display the URL and the associated tag. Here I see my tag, but I do not see it in "My site - Tags and Notes".
protected override void CreateChildControls()
Control control = Page.LoadControl(_ascxPath);
Literal lt = new Literal();
SPServiceContext objServiceContext = SPServiceContext.Current;
SocialTagManager objSocialTagManager = new SocialTagManager(objServiceContext);
TermStore objTermStore = objSocialTagManager.TaxonomySession.DefaultKeywordsTermStore;
Term objTerm = objTermStore.KeywordsTermSet.CreateTerm("I Like Iting", objTermStore.DefaultLanguage);
System.Uri objURI = new Uri("http://spdev01/Lists/Calendar/calendar.aspx");
SocialTag objTag = objSocialTagManager.AddTag(objURI, objTerm, "Calendar YoYo");
lt.Text = objTag.Url.ToString() + objTag.Term.Name + "<br/><br/>";
catch (Exception ex)
lt.Text = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + "<br/>";
//Display all the tags
string myaccount = @"domain\sharepoint";
UserProfileManager objUPManager = new UserProfileManager(objServiceContext);
UserProfile objProfile = objUPManager.GetUserProfile(myaccount);
SocialTag[] allTags = objSocialTagManager.GetTags(objProfile);
Literal ltTags = new Literal();
foreach (SocialTag tag in allTags)
ltTags.Text += string.Format("Tag: {0} - URL: {1}<br/>", tag.Term.Name, tag.Url.ToString());
I don't see the custom tag in "My Site" but I see it when I loop through the "MyTags" property. Do I have to run a specific job to see it under "My site"?