



I have a plugin "Theme My Login" for WordPress 3.0.1 which causes my user's profile pages to be here:

instead of here:

So I am trying to fix it with mod_rewrite like this: RewriteRule ^profile /login-2?action=profile

But it seems to do nothing. I suspect it's some weird thing happening in WordPress but wanted to ask folks here if my rewrite rule looks correct before I dig further. Did I do it right?


By default, I believe that WordPress uses the value of REQUEST_URI when routing the request. Your rule

RewriteRule ^profile /login-2?action=profile

...should correctly rewrite /profile to /login-2?action-profile, but WordPress will not observe this change because the value of $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] in PHP is based on the original request send to the server.

It might be possible to work around this by getting WordPress to use PATH_INFO instead through modification of the default WordPress permalink block:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php/$0

It's also possible to use the P flag to proxy the rewritten request through, which will update the REQUEST_URI. It comes with the overhead of creating a new request, so I'm not sure if I'd recommend it:

RewriteRule ^profile /login-2?action=profile [P]
Tim Stone