



I'm learning C# by writing a home library manager.

I have a BookController that will store the books in a data structure and perform operations on them.

Does C# have a way of saving the data in the dictionary to a local file perhaps in an XML fashion to load later, or am I going to have to write it myself?

What is the best method of saving and loading this data available to C#? Just need pointed in a good direction.

+5  A: 

Look at Serialization and the ISerializable interface

It allows you to save an object's state in a portable form.

Ed Swangren
+1  A: 

If you want your data to be in XML format there's XmlSerializer.

EDIT: For some reason I was downvoted for suggesting this because XmlSerializer cannot serialize a Dictionary.

To get around this problem you can always customize the serialization process like this

Cameron MacFarland
XmlSerializer is not able to serialize Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.
Dario Solera
Who said this is what @Coyote is using? No need to down-vote, the answer is not *wrong*. Incomplete maybe, but then a hint alone suffices. There are ways to XML serialize a dictionary, if you hit that wall.
+14  A: 

Actually, C# (the language) doesn't know anything about serailization, but .NET (the framework) provides lots of ways... XmlSerializer, BinaryFormatter, DataContractSerializer (.NET 3.0) - or there are a few bespoke serialization frameworks too.

Which to use depends on your requirements; BinaryFormatter is simple to use, but burns assembly metadata information into the file - making it non-portable (you couldn't open it in Java, for example). XmlSerializer and DataContractSerializer are primarily xml-based, making it quite portable, but fairly large unless you compress it.

Some proprietary serializers are half-way between the two; protobuf-net is a binary formatter (so very dense data), but which follows a portable standard for the data format (Google's protocol buffers spec). Whether this is useful depends on your scenario.

Typical code (here using XmlSerializer):

        XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Foo));
        // write
        using (var stream = File.Create("foo.xml"))
            ser.Serialize(stream, foo); // your instance
        // read
        using (var stream = File.OpenRead("foo.xml"))
            Foo newFoo = (Foo)ser.Deserialize(stream);
Marc Gravell
+1  A: 

You should also consider looking at Linq to SQL (or Entity Framework) for O/R mapping and storing your data into a database (SQL CE, SQL Express).

+1  A: 

I've created an extension method which takes an object and creates an xml string for you, all you need to do is save/load from file. XmlSerialisation
