Hi there, I'm a newbee about jQuery's workflow and I would like to setup a javascript class that uses an internal method to make an AJAX request. When the request returns with success, the jQuery AJAX callback should invoke a method owned by the class itself. That's the code:
function IXClock()
this.m_intervalID = 0;
this.startClock = function ()
this.m_intervalID = setInterval(this.tictac, 500);
this.stopClock = function ()
this.setClockTime = function(p_strTime)
this.tictac = function ()
type: 'POST',
url: '/rap/rapClock.php',
complete: function (data)
The class represents a clock, with an internal method (tictac) that requests "what's the time" on the server side. After the server says the time, the jQuery's AJAX method should invoke the setClockTime method of the IXClock class. The invoke method will update the #clock div item in the html page.
The problem is that the method this.setClockTime() results unknown and the javascript return the "this.setClockTime is not a function" error.
The question is: is there a way to invoka a class method from the jQuery's AJAX callback ?