I have dictionary that gives me back a method according to the value passed in. Defined as so:
Dictionary<Type, IXmlWriterConverter>
I have now added a new function that which has the Key/type set to IEnumerable, so far so good. But when I execute my unit test with a List containing two DataTables but the dictionary can not find the key e.g. my type conversion differs.
Why is that so? And what would be the right attempt to solve my problem?
Edit: Sorry here is the requested code ;-)
Function that generates the testvalues:
public IEnumerable<DataTable> CreateTestDataTableList()
var resultDataTable = new List<DataTable>();
resultDataTable.Add(CreateTestTable("testTable1", 2));
resultDataTable.Add(CreateTestTable("testTable2", 3));
return resultDataTable;
Function called by the unit test:
public void Write(XmlWriter xmlWriter, object value)
converter = FindConverter(value.GetType());
Function checking the dictionary:
public IXmlWriterConverter FindConverter(Type type)
return Converters[type];
return null;
Code that adds the values to the Dictionary:
public void Add(IXmlWriterConverter xmlWriterConverter)
Converters.Add(xmlWriterConverter.InputType, xmlWriterConverter);
The InputType is a readonly (get) property of the converter. I checked the type added to the dictionary and that was registered as IEnumerable, however when I checked on the typeof when passing in my list the type was List and not IEnumerable. I was told that this happens because I pass in the values as object.