I am working on an ajax application which will display about a million records in an html table. Web service returns records from server, I build a logn string by concatinating data and tags and than put this string using innerHTML (not using DOM for getting better performance).
For testing I have put 6000 recods in database (stored procedure takes about 4 seconds in completion of its execution).
While testing on local system (database and application on same machine) it took about 5 minutes to display the records in page. After deplying on web server it did not responde even for more time. It looks very low performance. I put records in a CSV file and its weight was less than 2 MB. I couldn't understand why string concatinations to build html table and putting string in innerHTML is taking such a huge time (if it is the issue). Requiment is to show about million records in web page but performance on just 6000 records is disappointing. I am not gettign what to do to increase performance.
Kindly guide me and help me.