I just recently installed JRuby and the Thrift gem after using it in MRI. I'm running into a problem where if I require 'thrift' I get the message "Unable to load thrift_native extension. Defaulting to pure Ruby libraries." If I then try and require the code thrift generated in ruby I'll get this error: "NameError: uninitialized constant Thrift::Struct_Union"
Is the thrift gem currently not working with JRuby?
Is there something I can do to use thrift with JRuby besides using the gem?
EDIT: After digging around on my mac, I found that the MRI gem and JRuby gem are different even though the gems are the same version ( Now this seems like a terrible idea, but if you copy the .rb files from the MRI gem into the JRuby gem and add require 'thrift/struct_union'
to thrift.rb you will no longer get any errors related to the Thrift gem except that it can't find thirft_native and will use pure Ruby libraries. This can be explained since thrift_native is made for C not Java.