This is a basic question. Sorry.
I have the following code:
$extend(ImageCrop, Options.prototype);
Swiff.Uploader = new Class({
Extends: Swiff,
Implements: Events,
options: {
path: "Swiff.Uploader.swf",
target: null,
zIndex: 9999,
height: 30,
width: 100,
callBacks: null,
params: {
wMode: "opaque",
menu: "false",
allowScriptAccess: "always"
typeFilter: null,
multiple: true,
queued: true,
verbose: false,
url: null,
method: null,
data: null,
mergeData: true,
fieldName: null,
fileSizeMin: 1,
fileSizeMax: null,
allowDuplicates: false,
buttonImage: null,
policyFile: null,
fileListMax: 0,
fileListSizeMax: 0,
instantStart: false,
appendCookieData: false,
fileClass: null
initialize: function (b) {
this.addEvent("load", this.initializeSwiff, true).addEvent("select", this.processFiles, true).addEvent("complete", this.update, true).addEvent("fileRemove", function (e) {
} .bind(this), true);
if (this.options.callBacks) {
Hash.each(this.options.callBacks, function (f, e) {
this.addEvent(e, f)
}, this)
this.options.callBacks = {
fireCallback: this.fireCallback.bind(this)
var d = this.options.path;
if (!d.contains("?")) {
d += "?noCache=" + $time()
When i set breakpoint on this.setOptions(b);
and look value of b varible i see already initialized varible but why? Where i set value of b? I just pass it as parametr. I think value of b must be 'null' or something.