



I have an Access 2003 file that contains 200 queries, and I want to print out their representation in SQL. I can use Design View to look at each query and cut and paste it to a file, but that's tedious. Also, I may have to do this again on other Access files, so I definitely want to write a program to do it.

Where are queries stored an Access db? I can't find anything saying how to get at them. I'm unfamiliar with Access, so I'd appreciate any pointers. Thanks!


Not in C#, but may be a good place to start:

+1  A: 

I cannot help with c#, but with DAO and VBA you have:

For Each qdf In CurrentDB.QueryDefs
    '~* are system queries for data for forms, controls etc'
    If Left(qdf.Name,1) <>"~" Then
        s = qdf.SQL
    End If

You can also look at the system tables MsysObjects and MsysQueries, but that might be a little tedious.

Then there are ADO schemas, for example, this would list select queries:

Sub ListQueriesAdo()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs = CurrentProject.Connection.OpenSchema( _
        adSchemaViews, Array(Empty, Empty, Empty))
     For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
         Debug.Print rs.Fields(i).name

     Do While Not rs.EOF
         Debug.Print rs!VIEW_DEFINITION
    Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

And you can use adSchemaProcedures to show action queries.

Finally, you can use a catalog:

Private Sub ListQueriesCat()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim mcat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim mview As ADOX.View
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

    Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

    Set mcat = New ADOX.Catalog
    Set mcat.ActiveConnection = cn

    For Each mview In mcat.Views
        Debug.Print mview.Command.CommandText

    Set mview = Nothing
    Set cmd = Nothing
    Set mcat = Nothing
End Sub
+1  A: 

you can put this together using the OleDbConnection's GetSchema method along with what Remou posted with regards to the ADO Schemas

oops forgot link: MSDN

+2  A: 

Procedures are what you're looking for:

OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);

DataTable queries = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Procedures, null);


This will give you a DataTable with the following columns in it (among others):

PROCEDURE_NAME: Name of the query


So you can loop through the table like so:

foreach(DataRow row in queries.Rows)
    // Do what you want with the values here
    queryName = row["PROCEDURE_NAME"].ToString();
    sql = row["PROCEDURE_DEFINITION"].ToString();
Mark B
Thanks! I only had to change one thing - use OleDBSchemaGuid.Procedures instead of .Views. And then the fields you want are PROCEDURE_NAME and PROCEDURE_DEFINITIONS respectively.
Mark Krenitsky
Glad it helped! I'll edit the actual answer so it's properly correct now.
Mark B
Some corrections: The column name is PROCEDURE_DEFINITION (not plural). And to get all queries, you have to retrieve both procedures and queries. Procedures are those that take parameters. For queries, the columns are TABLE_NAME and VIEW_DEFINITION.
Thomas G. Mayfield
s/queries/views/ on that last answer
Thomas G. Mayfield
@Mark B. Is there a reason some of the queries wouldn't be returned. I'm using this exact method and I'm missing some queries.
Jim, see Thomas' comment above about getting both procedures and views - hopefully that will help you out.
Mark B