



Hello all,

I am currently developing a control that shows a "linked label" everytime the user adds a visual item to another UI component. When that happens, I link the label in the control to the item added and by clicking over the label the item in the list will be shown.

Well, the problem is that this control can be included in a Fixed Size Panel or whatever so if the user adds many items the labels will get out of rendering bounds. I would like to know if that is going to happen before the rendering occurs, this way I can collapse some others labels to let the last one to be visible. And of course I would like all that work to be done in my control and not by the element that contains it.

I have tried some sort of transforms and things but RenderSize is 0,0 untill the label is painted making me impossible to determine what will happen with the rendering.

Any suggestion?

Thank you in advance.