



where do I find a howto to set up elasticSearch using Postgres?

My field sizes will be about 350mb, yes, MB, each in size. I have a text output of all of the US Code and all decisions from all the courts, the Statutes at Large, pretty much everything you would find in a library, and I need to be able to do full text searches and return the exact point in the field to the app to return the exact page in PDF form. Postgres can easily handle the datastore, but I've never used elasticSearch and have no idea of how it integrates into the indexing, etc.


Right now, I don't believe there is out of the box integration. You would need to write some glue code to pull data from SQL and submit it into elasticsearch (or vice versa).

I'd recommend asking on the google groups elastic search forum:

Shay Banon, the main contributor/maintainer is extremely helpful.

Best Regards, Paul

I went to the google group for elasticsearch and got not answer; I decided to install tsearch2. I wrote a bash script to read the files the way I wanted them parsed, inserted into the tables, and then did an update on the indexes. ultimately I ended up with only a few million records, field sizes ended up much smaller than expected because I used the pdftk to convert to text and then I stripped out a bunch of redundant material into a normalized table through a foreign key constraint. the primary key cursor comes back so fast it's imperceptible. I'm writing a benchmark next to simulate load.
David B.