I have this:
$getWallCommentQuery2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_wallcomments WHERE wallID = '$displayWall[id]' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 2");
while($show = mysql_fetch_array($getWallCommentQuery2)){
echo $show["comment"] . " <br> ";
Now, my database:
INSERT INTO `users_wallcomments` VALUES (1, 401, 1, 2, '1284056799', 'test kommentar blabla1');
INSERT INTO `users_wallcomments` VALUES (2, 401, 1, 1, '1284540210', 'test test comment2');
INSERT INTO `users_wallcomments` VALUES (3, 401, 1, 1, '1284540225', 'nr3 kommentar');
INSERT INTO `users_wallcomments` VALUES (4, 401, 1, 1, '1284540237', 'nr4 kommentar');
the fifth field.. (where the numbers starts with 1284..) is date unix timestamp. Now i want to sort it from this, by the query at the top, with limit 2;
It limits to two, but it doesnt sort it out right when i do ORDER by date DESC..
I am receiving 3th(id) as last and 4th(id) above it? And i wish to have 4th at last(because it has the latest datestamp as you also can see, it has 37, and third has 25) but still it sort the 3th as last.
What is wrong?