



Hi, I am creating my own website and blog and I want for first time just me in database (my name and password) and maybe later some registration for others but first log in just for me and administration with authorization. I don´t want to use Membership from MS. I want try to create my own from start so I am looking for guide for beginners but I found big guides with roles, rights. I want just small example with check username, password in database with log on data. Thanks for help Libor


Hey @Bibo, good for not choosing the Membership providers. I think a UserService or similar which provides methods for creating, authenticating users and some few more methods should be enough. As a suggestion, use password hashing and a password salt for the user´s password. Here is a good link to look at. Also have a look at this answer I gave some time ago.

Good luck!

EDIT: The rememberMe parameter should be named keepMeSignedIn instead.

Thanks for asnwer but I can´t find nothing what can help me. Can you link some article about that?
CodeCampServer is a sample application that implements what you´re looking for.

This article on forms authentication gives you loads of info for creating your own simple security system, especially the bit about FormsAuthenticationTicket.

James McCormack

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