I ve been trying in a few different ways to get XmlSerializer.Deserialize to return null however it doesnt seem possible
I tried with a class being null, malformated xml, well formatted xml .
I might be missing something obvious here, but is it possible ?
Just to clarify give a Class MyClass that is serializable I want a similar test to the following to pass
[Fact] //this is a the test attribute when using xUnit
public void When_xml_Something_Then_serialize_returns_null()
string serializedObject = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><MyClass xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3asdsadasdasd.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"></MyClass>";
using (var stringReader = new StringReader(serializedObject))
Assert.Null(new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyClass)).Deserialize(stringReader));
Tried different things in the serialized string, and i either get an exception or an empty instance of MyClass :( Thanks NOTE: there was a typo in this question, it is now corrected
NOTE 2: for a more detailed answer look at the comments.