




I heard xml is used as database, can anybody give me a simple tip or link to tutorial how to store some information in database ? what is the best use of xml on php realted to data things?

+1  A: 

XML is not supposed to be used as a database but as a way to transport data in an application agnostic way. For example, say you have many RSS feeds in Google Reader and you want to add them into Thunderbird. You will export them from Google Reader in the XML format, and then import that XML file into Thunderbird. Both applications will know how to read and write from the XML and how to use the information (the RSS feeds) in it.

If you want to store information in a useful way that, for example, lets you organize and search through it, you will need a full fledged database. Some good ones are Mysql and Postgresql. Both of those work well with PHP and have extensive tutorials to begin with, all easily accessible via any search engine.

RSSFeed is a URL, so I assume you just need to pass a list of strings from one app to another? Then won't comma separated format do the job?
Tegiri Nenashi
@Tegiri, right, but I'm referring to OPML: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPML
+1  A: 

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