Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble on some of my controllers.
Some of them load fine but some of them produce the Invalid controller specified error. All are contained inside the 'controller' folder, file names and class names are named the same way for all. In my bootstrap though, the controllers that work are the ones which I have added routes to include parameters (so I tried adding a route to one of the non-working controller but it's still invalid.) I haven't found any other difference between these two groups. Any advice on where to look next?
EDIT: All controllers work on localhost.
file name, class name and example url of..
Working controller:
- FacultyController.php
- FacultyController
- .../public/index.php/Faculty/get-personal-info-profile/admin
Non-working controller:
- AccountManagementController.php
- AccountManagementController
- ../public/index.php/AccountManagement/change-password