



Is there a reliable crossbrowser way to open up a shell using javascript (e.g. explorer.exe)?

+5  A: 

This is not possible as it would be a (gaping) security risk.

Jacob Relkin
Disregarding the gaping security risk it would be awfully convenient for me ;)
Dustin Hodges
@kustnodi, Too bad. The browser environment is meant to be sandboxed.
Jacob Relkin
+1  A: 

No, that is not possible for security reasons. Accessing client machine is the problme here !


If you have access to the client machine, and the client machines are all Windows XP or later, there actually is a way by defining a custom protocol as described in this SO question (Mozillazone article here).

That way, you can create links like my_custom_protocol://helloworld.txt that cause an explorer window to be opened in Windows.

This potentially opens a (however remote) security hole, as connecting a custom protocol to explorer.exe could be used to send arbitrary parameters to that executable. Make sure you are aware of the security implications; depending on your situation, it might work for you, though.

thank you for providing this and I will check it out
Dustin Hodges