Right clicking on project and clicking "Add Reference..." does not provide a way to do this. The .Net tab doesn't look in the GAC and if you browse to C:\windows\assembly you are presented with the actual directory structure of the GAC. Thanks!
No there is no way to do this by navigating with explorer. I do share the frustration here as I've run into the same problem. The way I work around this is to do the following
- Open up CMD
- Navigate through c:\windows\assembly to find the find the assembly in question
- Copy the path to the clip board
- Open up the Add Reference dialog and paste in the path
Or just copy the DLL into a temporary directory and navigate to that through the Add Reference dialog.
2010-09-16 06:25:51
Thanks for your answer. I'm going to leave question open for a little bit more to see if anyone else has any ideas. Gracias.
2010-09-17 14:15:54