



Ok, I've got a real head scratcher... I'm going bald!

This is a pretty simple problem. Inserting data into the table normally works fine, except for a few times, the insert query takes a few seconds. This isn't very good, so I setup a simulation of the insert process. I am NOT trying to bulk insert data. I am trying to find out why the insert query occasionally takes more than 2 seconds to run. Joshua suggested that the index file may be being adjusted; I have removed the id (primary key field), but the delay still happens.

I have a MyISAM table: daniel_test_insert (this table starts COMPLETELY empty):

create table if not exists daniel_test_insert ( 
    id int unsigned auto_increment not null, 
    value_str varchar(255) not null default '', 
    value_int int unsigned default 0 not null, 
    primary key (id) 

I insert data into it, and sometimes, a insert query takes > 2 seconds to run. THERE ARE NO READS on this table. All writes, in serial, by a single threaded program.

This same row; 100,000 times. I run the exact same query 100,000 times, because once in a while the query takes a long time, and I'm trying to find out why. It appears to be a random occurrence so far though.

This query for example took 4.194 seconds (a very long time for an insert)

Query: INSERT INTO daniel_test_insert SET value_int=12345, value_str='afjdaldjsf aljsdfl ajsdfljadfjalsdj fajd as f' - ran for 4.194 seconds
status               | duration | cpu_user  | cpu_system | context_voluntary | context_involuntary | page_faults_minor
starting             | 0.000042 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 0                 | 0                   | 0                
checking permissions | 0.000024 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 0                 | 0                   | 0                
Opening tables       | 0.000024 | 0.001000  | 0.000000   | 0                 | 0                   | 0                
System lock          | 0.000022 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 0                 | 0                   | 0                
Table lock           | 0.000020 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 0                 | 0                   | 0                
init                 | 0.000029 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 1                 | 0                   | 0                
update               | 4.067331 | 12.151152 | 5.298194   | 204894            | 18806               | 477995           
end                  | 0.000094 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 8                 | 0                   | 0                
query end            | 0.000033 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 1                 | 0                   | 0                
freeing items        | 0.000030 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 1                 | 0                   | 0                
closing tables       | 0.125736 | 0.278958  | 0.072989   | 4294              | 604                 | 2301             
logging slow query   | 0.000099 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 1                 | 0                   | 0                
logging slow query   | 0.000102 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 7                 | 0                   | 0                
cleaning up          | 0.000035 | 0.000000  | 0.000000   | 7                 | 0                   | 0

This is an abbreviated version of the SHOW PROFILE command, I threw out the columns that were all zero.

Now the update has an incredible number of context switches and minor page faults.

Opened_Tables increases about 1 per 10 seconds on this database (not running out of table_cache space)


MySQL 5.0.89

Hardware: 32 Gigs of ram / 8 cores @ 2.66GHz; raid 10 SCSI harddisks (SCSI II???) I have had the harddrives and raid controller queried: no errors are being reported. CPU's are about 50% idle.

iostat -x 5 (reports less than 10% utilization for harddisks) top report load average about 10 for 1 minute (normal for our db machine)

Swap space has 156k used (32 gigs of ram :)

I'm at a loss to find out what is causing this performance lag! Does anyone have any suggestions?

This does NOT happen on our low-load slaves, only on our high load master. This also happens with memory and innodb tables.

Warning: This is a production system, so nothing exotic!

-daniel (I'm going to have use my dogs hair for a tuopee!!!)

Updated: Sept 20th, 2010: I'm going bald!

+1  A: 

I had this problem using INNODB tables. (and INNODB indexes are even slower to rewrite than MYISAM)

I suppose you are doing multiple other queries on some other tables, so the problem would be that MySQL has to handle disk writes in files that get larger and needs to allocate additional space to those files.

If you use MYISAM tables I strongly suggest using

LOAD DATA INFILE 'file-on-disk' INTO TABLE `tablename` 

command; MYISAM is sensationally fast with this (even with primary keys) and the file can be formatted as csv and you can specify the column names (or you can put NULL as the value for the autoincrement field).

View MYSQL doc here.


The first Tip I would give you, is to disable the autocommit functionality and than commit manually.


This benefits performance because the index buffer is flushed to disk only once, after all INSERT statements have completed. Normally, there would be as many index buffer flushes as there are INSERT statements.

But propably best you can do, and if that is possible in your application, you do a bulk insert with one single select.

This is done via Vector Binding and it's the fastest way you can go.

"INSERT INTO tableName values()"
"INSERT INTO tableName values(),(),(),().......(n) " ,

But consider this option only if parameter vector binding is possible with your mysql driver you're using.

Otherwise I would tend to the first possibility and LOCK the table for every 1000 inserts. Don't lock it for 100k inserts, because you'l get a buffer overflow.

What programming language are you using? Perhaps I can give you an example how to do.
I'm using ruby. However, I'm doing the same insert 100,000 times because a few of take so long. I'm trying to find the reason that a few of them take so long.
So did you try to LOCK, UNLOCK the table and check how performance behaved?
I removed the index so that there would not be an issue of the index. But I still had the same performance problem.
I'm not having this problem on non-production machines, which makes me think this is due to temporary "spikes" or other global locks which are randomly interfering with the inserts. Which would explain the periodic insert delays. Or perhaps just a bad time of a "bulk" write or two some where else in the code.

Read this on Myisam Performance:

Search for:

'The MyISAM key block size The key block size is important' (minus the single quotes), this could be what's going on. I think they fixed some of these types of issues with 5.1

Phill Pafford
the problem is that this still happens even if the keys are removed. IE, a table without any indexes.
understandable, (I think) that MySQL blocks off space to write records. so something (Example cause I don't know) say it blocks off enough space to write for 5 records, after the space is used MySQL needs to reserve another block of space for the next set of records. This might be the extra execution time happening.
Phill Pafford
+1  A: 

Can you create one more table with 400 (not null) columns and run your test again? If the number of slow inserts became higher this could indicate MySQL is wasting time writing your records. (I dont know how it works, but he may be alocating more blocks, or moving something to avoid fragmentation.... really dont know)

Plínio Pantaleão
humm interesting, will try.
I added more columns, and I found that writes were pretty slow. I'm wondering if the delay has something to do about writing data to the harddisk. Our harddisk(s) appear to have performance capacity.
ie, 34 writes per second. Which for a non-indexed table is pretty slow!
I dont know, but you may run some MySQL defrag tool and see if helps.I think MySQL is wasting your time looking for good places to put your records...
Plínio Pantaleão

Can you check the stats on the disk subsystem? Is the I/O satuated? This sounds like internal DB work going on flushing stuff to disk/log.

Well, I'm not able to get precise measurements on IO. But I have run "iostat -x 5" and I have not seen anything about 5-10% while running. There may be temporary spikes that may be hidden due "averaging". I have no idea how to query the system for a finer measurements other than watching vmstat, which also has not yielded any useful information
I've seen issues in SQLServer in which performance does strange things - when it's not my code (lol) it ususally is the disk subsystem. SQLServer has a recovery interval parameter in which SQLServer flushes things to disk. If you are really pounding in the inserts and the recovery interval is hit, performance is hit hard for a bit which bubbles up to the application as some insert taking a long time and it actually has nothing to do with the insert at all but some internal housekeeping in SQLServer - could also be that the disk channel - spindles and/or disk controllers are just at 100%

To check if your disk is behaving badly, and if you're in Windows, you can create a batch cmd file that creates 10,000 files:

@echo OFF
FOR /L %%G IN (1, 1, 10000) DO TIME /T > out%%G.txt

save it in a temp dir, like test.cmd

Enable command extensions running CMD with the /E:ON parameter

CMD.exe /E:ON

Then run your batch and see if the time between the first and the last out file differ in seconds or minutes.

On Unix/Linux you can write a similare shell script.


By any chance is there an SSD drive in the server? Some SSD drives suffer from 'studder', which could cause your symptom.

In any case, I would try to find out if the delay is occurring in MySQL or in the disk subsystem.

What OS is your server, and what file system is the MySQL data on?

Guy Gordon
We have real raided SCSI harddrives. We are using CentOS 5.4 and xfs for the file system / file snapshots. I've thought about using FusionIO but, it never really gained traction.