I want to pass one array and one integer variable to a oracle stored procedure from c#.net application. I can pass both parameter as array but can't pass two different type of variable. Is there any solution where I can pass array and any other type of variable together?
You can use the IN keyword to pass the parameters as input.
Check here for more details:
So your array and the other variable can both have IN and be sent as parameters.
Mamta Dalal
2010-09-16 03:34:01
Thank you for your answer. But my problem is I can't pass two different type of parameters. If I pass two array, the application works fine but if I pass one array and one int32 (using IN), I got the error :casting error from System.Int32 to System.Array.
2010-09-16 03:45:41
You have to ensure the order in which they are passed matches the order in which they are received in the procedure.
Mamta Dalal
2010-09-16 11:24:57
Thank you Esteban. I will apply that option at the end if I can't solve this problem.
2010-09-16 04:55:32