




This is probably quite trivial but.... I have a quite complicated linq query that I have put in a IQueryable function that I'd like to reuse throughout the project. But when I use this in a select I get "System.Linq.IQueryable`1[LINQPad.User.Orders] Foo(System.Guid) doesn't have a translation to SQL": (very simplified to show what I've after)

void Main()
 (from e in Clients
 select new {
  Orders = Foo(e.Id).Count()

IQueryable<Orders> Foo(Guid clientId)
 return Orders.Where(e => e.ClientId.Equals(clientId)); 

Doesn't work, but the following does:

void Main()
 (from e in Clients
 select new {
  Orders = Orders.Where(f => f.ClientId.Equals(e.Id)).Count()

Is there any way I can rewrite the query without rewriting Foo?

+2  A: 

The problem is that you can't just inject a function into your Linq query, because Linq-to-SQL or Linq-to-Entities doesn't know how to translate it. There's a good description of the problem, and a solution available at the LINQPad site.

An alternative is to bring the dataset into memory first (e.g. by using ToList()), but that won't really achieve exactly what you're after.

Bennor McCarthy