My sandbox is here:
First click a marker on the map (if there are none when the page loads, check the 'food trucks opening soon' box in the navigation widget). Next go to the 'Reviews' tab.
In GWT, everytime I open a marker I'm calling the javascript function resizeReviewTab() which corrects styling issue that arise given the fact that the content in the status and review tabs are dynamic. If the Javascript worked, then you will see STARS rather than radio buttons floating right above the text area in the 'Reviews' tab. Otherwise, you'll see plain radio buttons.
I cant figure out what happens when the marker DOESNT open up properly. How could it work once, then not again, then work again after a few different markers? Heres the function thats called:
function resizeReviewTab(){
$('.statusWindowB').css('height', $('.statusWindowA').css('height'));
$('.name-sliding').focus(function() {
$('.name-label-sliding').animate({ marginLeft: "133px" }, "fast");
if($(this).val() == "name")
$(this).val() == "";
}).blur(function() {
if($(this).val() == "") {
$(this).val() == "name";
$('.name-label-sliding').animate({ marginLeft: "12px" }, "fast");
$('.content-sliding').focus(function() {
starify() is the javascript for the jQuery plugin jquery.stars with a few modifications, visible here:
I need to call this function because if I merely load it at the beginning of the html document, none of the info windows created by clicking the map will ever have their radio buttons changed into stars.
This is quite bothersome, I'm looking forward to your replies. Thanks!