



I'm using the AutoSuggest jQuery Plugin:

So basically what it does is create a hidden input field containing comma separated values; the IDs of the Names in the AutoSuggest field. Using Firebug, I confirmed that the hidden field was created and the IDs were inserted in the 'value="1,2,3,"' part. Example:

<input type="hidden" id="as-values-tags" name="as_values_tags" class="as-values" value="2,3,4,">

The input field is inside the form tag. The Values are inserted via Javascript. The form contains other input fields, some of them are hidden, some aren't. The point is, the $_POST variable contains all the input fields, except the hidden ones that were dynamically created by Javascript. That's the case in FF, Chrome, Opera and Safari.

But surprisingly, in IE ( all Versions since IE6 ) the values are stored in the $_POST variable.

Now I need it to work in all the other browsers. Any Ideas?
