You cannot schedule a DBMS_SCHEDULER (or DBMS_JOB) job to run every 5 milliseconds. Even when you schedule it to run every second, that's only an approximation-- it wouldn't be unexpected if there were 2 or 3 seconds between consecutive runs just because of normal delays between when a job is eligible to be run and the job scheduler actually picks it up and starts running it.
Why would you want a job that your comments describe as a "periodic load" to run every 5 milliseconds? Can you describe the data flow a bit? If you are looking for something like near real-time data replication, there are almost certainly better ways to approach the problem.
All that being said, if you really want to poll very rapidly, the closest you can probably get is to write a job that runs an infinite loop that does a dbms_lock.sleep of 10 milliseconds (0.01 seconds). This will introduce all sorts of additional complexity when you have to do maintenance or shut down the database and have to kill the currently running process, etc. But if schema_name.DoLoads were rewritten to do something like
WHILE( true )
dbms_lock.sleep( 0.01 );
END NewDoLoads;
that would run the current DoLoads process every 0.01 seconds (10 milliseconds) give or take. That's the smallest increment dbms_lock can handle.