



I have a property on a label bound to a Setting in my App Setting file. What I am wondering,

Can I hook a OnPropertyChanged() up to this some how?

I know there are other ways I may accomplish this but this got my curiosity up so I thought I'd ask.


The reason I am asking is when the bound property of my label - Tag(bool) changes I want to switch the Text property of that same label. I was hoping I could use OnPropertyChanged() for this.

+2  A: 

Take a look at this example. I think it will help.

Michael Eakins
+4  A: 

When you use the Visual Studio settings designer to create custom settings values, the designer-generated class derives from ApplicationSettingsBase which does implement INotifyPropertyChanged already. So data binding should pick up changes to the properties without any effort on your part. Is this not happening?

Josh Einstein
No, no, I had no idea that was how it worked and as such may have jumped the gun.
Refracted Paladin