Hey Guys
I have currently created a facebook like page that pulls notifications from different tables, lets say about 8 tables. Each table has a different structure with different columns, so the first thing that comes to mind is that I'll have a global table, like a table of contents, and refresh it with every new hit. I know inserts are resource intensive, but I was hoping that since it is a static table, I'd only add maybe one new record every 100 visitors, so I thought "MAYBE" I could get away with this, but I was wrong. I managed to get deadlocks from just three people hammering the website.
So anyways, now I have to redo it using a different method. Initially I was going to do views, but I have an issue with views. The selected table will have to contain the id of a user. Here is an example of a select statement from php:
$get_events = "
SELECT id, " . $userId . ", 'admin_events', 0, event_start_time
FROM admin_events
WHERE CURDATE() < event_start_time AND
FROM admin_event_registrations
WHERE user_id = " . $userId . " AND admin_events.id = event_id) AND
FROM admin_event_declines
WHERE user_id = " . $userId . " AND admin_events.id = event_id) AND
event_capacity > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM admin_event_registrations WHERE event_id = admin_events.id)
Sorry about the messiness. In any event, as you can see, I need to return the user Id from the page as a selected column from the table. I could not figure out how to do it with views so I don't think views are the way that I will be heading because there's a lot more of these types of queries. I come from an MSSQL background, and I love stored procedures, so if there are stored procedures for MYSQL, that would be excellent.
Next I started thinking about temp tables. The table will be in memory, the table will be probably 150 rows max, and there will be no deadlocks. Is it still very expensive to do inserts on a temp table? Will I end up crashing the server? Right now we have maybe 100 users per day, but I want to try to be future proof when we get more users.
After a long thought, I figured that the only way is the user php and get all the results as an array. The problem is that I'd get something like:
$my_array[0]["date_created"] = <current_date>
The problem with the above is that I have to sort by date_created, but this is a multi dimensional array.
Anyways, to pull 150 to 200 MAX records from a database, which approach would you take? Temp Table, View, or php?