The internet access code in our product works perfectly for 99.99% of people. However, for a few of them, it just doesn't work at all. We've been adding some trace code to try and figure out what the problem is, and it it turns out that InternetOpenURL is reporting error 2 - "The system cannot find the file specified" - from this function call:
handle = InternetOpenUrl(internet,url,NULL,0,options,0);
(internet is the handle to an internet connection opened with InternetOpen, url is the URL to a simple text file that exists on our web server.)
We test two different web sites, one http and one https, which are located in totally different places (different domains, servers hosted geographically apart) and they both give the same error for this one guy and a few others. 99% of people, including ourselves, can access them with no problems at all. Not only that, the people affected can access the same URLs without a problem in their web browsers.
What on earth could be going on here? :(