



Hello! Suppose we have this table..

CREATE TABLE `appointments` (
  `idappointments` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `timeStart` time DEFAULT NULL,
  `timeEnd` time DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`idappointments`)


Suppose that a range between timeStart and timeEnd cant exist again... I mean that if we intersect all the ranges in the table the result would be EMPTY ,0 , null.An appointment cant cooexist with another..

So what i want to do is a time suggestion if the desired time is occupied... A proposal before and a proposal after the desired time....

So i was wondering instead of writing code to do this if i could write an SQL query to find the nearest empty ranges......

Ex.. timeStart - NEAREST_TO_TIMESTART_TIMEEND >'10 minutes' whereas 10 minutes the duration

+2  A: 

MySQL doesn't have recursive functionality, so you're left with using the NUMBERS table trick -

  1. Create a table that only holds incrementing numbers - easy to do using an auto_increment:

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `example`.`numbers`;
    CREATE TABLE  `example`.`numbers` (
      `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
       PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
  2. Populate the table using:


    ...for as many values as you need.

  3. Use DATE_ADD to construct a list of dates, increasing the days based on the value. Replace "2010-01-01" and "2010-01-02" with your respective start and end dates (but use the same format, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) -

    SELECT x.dt
      FROM (SELECT TIME(DATE_ADD('2010-01-01', INTERVAL ( - 1) * 15 MINUTE)) AS dt
              FROM numbers n
             WHERE DATE_ADD('2010-01-01', INTERVAL ( - 1) * 15 MINUTE) <= '2010-01-02' ) x
  4. LEFT JOIN onto your table of data based on the datetime portion.

This will show you the first available slot:

       SELECT x.dt
      FROM (SELECT TIME(DATE_ADD('2010-01-01', INTERVAL ( - 1) * 15 MINUTE)) AS dt
              FROM numbers n
             WHERE DATE_ADD('2010-01-01', INTERVAL ( - 1) * 15 MINUTE) <= '2010-01-02' ) x
    LEFT JOIN APPOINTMENTS a ON x.dt BETWEEN a.timestart AND a.timeend
        WHERE a.idappoinment IS NULL
          AND x.dt > @your_minimum_datetime
     ORDER BY x.dt
        LIMIT 1

This will show you availability for the entire day:

       SELECT x.dt,
                WHEN a.idappoinment IS NULL THEN 'available'
                ELSE 'booked'
              END AS isbooked 
      FROM (SELECT TIME(DATE_ADD('2010-01-01', INTERVAL ( - 1) * 15 MINUTE)) AS dt
              FROM numbers n
             WHERE DATE_ADD('2010-01-01', INTERVAL ( - 1) * 15 MINUTE) <= '2010-01-02' ) x
    LEFT JOIN APPOINTMENTS a ON x.dt BETWEEN a.timestart AND a.timeend
     ORDER BY x.dt

Why Numbers, not Dates?

Simple - dates can be generated based on the number, like in the example I provided. It also means using a single table, vs say one per data type.

OMG Ponies
great... But would this cause a limitation to the duration ?
@Parhs: You can alter the minute value generation to suit your needs - it can be changed to seconds if you need that much precision.
OMG Ponies
If i change the precision to the minute would be ok but then how i would know if 5 slots of one minute(continius) is available?
@Parhs: Use the order by: `ORDER BY x.dt`
OMG Ponies
i mean the source code that would suggest to the user the neaest time available..Your method is great to find the available slots
@Parhs: I updated the answer to show both viewing a day, and getting the first available slot. However `LIMIT 1` wouldn't show you sequencial openings, just the first opening.
OMG Ponies